Seneca Financial Corp.

Corporate Profile

Seneca Savings maintains its executive offices and main branch in Baldwinsville, New York, with branches in Bridgeport, Liverpool and North Syracuse, New York. The Association is a community-oriented savings and loan institution whose business primarily consists of accepting deposits from customers within its market area and investing those funds primarily in commercial loans and residential mortgage loans.




Baldwinsville Branch

35 Oswego St.
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Phone: (315) 638-0233
Baldwinsville Hours

Liverpool Branch

7799 Oswego Rd.
Liverpool, NY 13090
Phone: (315) 457-1280
Liverpool Hours

North Syracuse Branch

201 North Main St.
North Syracuse, NY 13212
Phone: (315) 458-6543
North Syracuse Branch

Bridgeport Branch

584 NY Route 31
Bridgeport, NY 13030
Phone: (315) 710-3800
Bridgeport Branch