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Understanding Today’s Financial Environment

We understand that individuals face unique challenges as they prepare for retirement. We can help take the mystery out of preparing for today and tomorrow. Whether your goal is preparing for retirement, college savings, or estate strategy, our personalized service focuses on your needs, wants, and financial goals and objectives.

Our professionals have years of experience in financial services. We can help you address your needs of today and for many years to come. We look forward to working with you through all stages of your life.

You Can Build Your Wealth using these Simple Steps:

Much of your success potential depends on the right planning.

Effective investing is goal-focused and planning driven. Investors most often fail to have sound plans when they’re market-focused and current-outlook driven.

A significant portion of an investor’s personal lifetime return potential is driven by:

  • A sound investment plan.
  • The asset allocation (stock vs. bonds) of the portfolio.
  • Sticking to the plan in response to market fads or fears.

At retirement, your whole financial life boils down to one question…

Will your money outlive you, or will you outlive your money?

Start Here & NOW:

Your process, Your Money

  • First, and most importantly let’s get a complete understanding of your most cherished financial goals- what and who you’re investing for.
  • Next, we figure out how much capital you’re going to need in order to achieve those goals.
  • Then we look at what kinds of investments- which asset classes- have historically been most likely to produce the returns you need to achieve your goals in the time allotted.
  • Finally, together we create a diversified set of specific investments within those asset classes- your portfolio.
  • Then it becomes a matter of helping you stay on track through the ebbs and flows of your investing lifetime.

*Asset allocation and diversification do not assure a profit or protect against loss.invest seneca financial quest financial planning

Email Financial Quest today to schedule an appointment to review your financial planning and investment options!

Securities and Advisory services are offered through LPL Financial (LPL), a registered investment advisor and broker/dealer (member FINRA/SIPC). Insurance products are offered through LPL or its licensed affiliates.  Seneca Savings and Financial Quest are not registered as a broker/dealer or investment advisor.  Registered representatives of LPL offer products and services using the name Financial Quest and may also be employees of Seneca Savings.  These products and services being offered through LPL or its affiliates, which are separate entities from and not affiliates of Seneca Savings or Financial Quest.  Securities and insurance offered through LPL or its affiliates are: